Chinese Dumpling Vegetable Soup

Whenever my family and I went out to eat at a Canontese restaurant, we’d always get some kind of dumpling noodle soup. While this soup was and still is one of my mom and dad’s favorite dishes, I never really cared for it. I much preferred stir-fried noodles because I always burned my tongue on the piping-hot soup. As I got older and became pescetarian, I was always weary about whether the broths were vegetarian or chicken-based. So even if I wanted that one-off noodle soup, I never ordered it.

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What is the Best Diet for Health?

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend and she expressed her confusion on which dietary pattern was the best for health - is it a vegetarian, vegan, or omnivorous diet? I think this is an excellent question because there is evidence to support all fronts, which complicates the answer. Depending on who you speak to or read from, you may get conflicting answers. I’ll lay out some information here so you can judge for yourself.

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